Apply to the Union Programming Council

UPC Executive Director Application

UPC Executive Director Application
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UPC Executive Director Application


Union Board members are expected to be role models and leaders on the University of Utah Campus and in all aspects of their lives. Each member should conduct themselves in a professional manner and treat others with respect. All board members are expected to support Union Programming Council events by attending as many as possible.

Duties & Responsibilities:

Coordinate, preside, and chair all Union Programming Council Director meetings.
Receive, review and respond to all inquiries regarding UPC problems, issues, or concerns.
Meet individually with each UPC director at the beginning and end of each semester to evaluate performance and/or re-evaluate goals.
Attend regular meetings with the Union Director and Assistant Director.
Work to develop inter-organizational communications with campus clubs and organizations.
Attend at least two meetings of each UPC committee per semester.
Assist all directors as needed in order to accomplish desired and required tasks according to their job descriptions.
Establish individual board director goals and keep them in focus throughout the year to meet and exceed individual job descriptions.
Work with advisor to coordinate application and selection process for professional development opportunities.
Evaluate policies that apply to UPC and revise them as needed.
Keep the minutes for UPC meetings, or assign someone else to do so.
Follow expenditures of monies in the Union Board budget to provide accurate accounting.
Establish an internal committee to program and promote activity to create community within UPC two times a semester.
The following is a list of programs required to program and execute with Advisor and Union Administration staff: UPC General at least 2 per semester (all of UPC), The Turkey Bowl, Director Transition Retreat (incoming directors & Executive Director), UPC training event (all of UPC before school starts), office decorating competition, UPC Valentine’s Party, and any other events assigned by the Union Programming Council Advisor.

Union Board:
Coordinate, preside, and chair all Union Board meetings.
Receive, review and respond to all inquiries regarding Union Board problems, issues, or concerns.
Become acquainted with all Board members and learn their University role outside of the Union Board.
Attend (or assign a designee to attend) all Strategic Planning meetings of Union Staff.
Evaluate policies that apply to the Union Board and revise them as needed.
Represent the Union, as a student voice, on various committees associated with advancing the goals of the Union. .